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الخميس، 12 أكتوبر 2017

'I wish I was at school' : Syrian refugee Asmah,15, films her life as a wife and mother "Video"

"هذه هي حياتي ولكن أتمنى أن يكون لِدَى بناتي حياة أفضل من ذلك"
"أسما" فتاة سورية من مدينة حمص حُرِمَت من تعليمها بسبب ظروف الحرب في سوريا، بعد وصولها مرحلة السادس الإبتدائي أضطرت للنزوح مع أهلها الى تدمر بسبب شدة القصف على مناطقهم لتتابع تعليمها الى الصف الثامن، وبسبب الظروف الصعبة قاما والداها بتزويجها خوفاََ عليها من اعتداءات العسكر فترة الحرب والفوضى، وبعد زواجها رُزِقَت من أول سنة من زواجها بطفلة ولكن الفرحة لم تكتمل بسبب مطاردة شبح القصف لهم ليتابعوا النزوح الى الرقة ومنها الى ادلب وصولاََ الى تركيا عن طريق خطوط التهريب، وبعد وصولها بفترة قصيرة زادت معاناتها بطفل آخر بسبب ظروف المعيشة الصعبة في تركيا ولكن الذي كان يخفف عنها ذاك العبيء وقوف والدتها بجانبها.

تختم "أسما" حديثها بحسرة حرمانها من التعليم وهي بعمر البراعم بسبب الفوضى التي طالت سوريا والذي زاد غصتها حينما ترى أخاها الأصغر يذهب إلى مدرسته التي كانت تحلم في إكمال تعليمها لتكون ’’آنسة رسم’’ ويبقى أملها أو حلمها الوحيد أن تكون حياة طفلتيها أفضل من حياتها ولايعانون كما عانت الظروف الصعبة.

Asmah is one of four out-of-school refugee children living in Turkey who spent six months documenting their lives on video for Theirworld

Asmah is 15. A Syrian refugee living in Turkey, she got married at 12 and has two young daughters

"I wish I could still be in my country, at my school with my friends. My dream was to become an art teacher," she says. "I feel heartbroken when I see my little brother going to school."

Asmah is one of four Syrians who documented their daily lives to highlight why all refugee children should be in school

World leaders promised last year there would be "No Lost Generation" of children as a result of the Syrian crisis

Watch Asmah's story

More than half of all Syrian refugee children in Turkey, Lebanon and Jordan are being given an education – and a future. But close to 500,000 children are still waiting for that promise to be kept

As part of Theirworld's #YouPromised campaign, we provided video cameras to four Syrian refugee children aged 12 to 16 who are not getting an education in Turkey

Their powerful short films highlight the injustice and dangers they face - including early marriage, teenage pregnancy, child labour and exploitation

Theirworld President Sarah Brown said: “We can see from these films that the lack of access to education for children in crisis has had very serious ramifications on their lives

"World leaders made a commitment to ensure children would not miss out on education due to the Syria crisis. However, this promise has not been upheld.”

Asmah's film is launched today on International Day of the Girl Child. The other three films will be released throughout October

Asmah suffers from post-traumatic stress after her family escaped from Syria and fled to Turkey

She often struggles to cope with the pressures of marrying early and taking care of her toddler and newborn

Asmah says: "It's a very tough feeling - to have two children, no job and be living in a foreign country

"I hope my daughters will have a better life. I hope they will go to school and we will be in our homeland, Syria."

Theirworld has been working in the region since 2012 to support Syrian refugees' return to education

We work with local partners to teach Syrian refugees Turkish in order to improve the quality of their learning in public schools. Theirworld also works with local teachers to train them how to best support children who have experienced trauma as a result of the conflict

المصدر : theirworld
كل الشكر لكم زملائي الأحرار. 

Skype : mohammad.baraa14

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