
آخر التعليقات

أحدث المواضيع

الثلاثاء، 20 فبراير 2018

Director of Turkish Relief -Turkey Board Members of Islamic Relief-Turkey

We seek to inform you that there have been a number of troubling questions raised with regards to Dr. Seri Bakkar, the organization director whom you coordinate with as an intermediary for your projects in East Ghariya in the province of Daraa Syria

To the best of our knowledge, you provide full funding for the project in terms of physician salaries, medical supplies, and devices

First: He has forced the medical teams to sign contracts for 3 months that had already passed

Second: Rather than sending medical supplies which you have funded for the project on your behalf, he sends supplies and medical devices donated by another organization to Syria and it is sent to the hospital as if funded by his hospital. We suspect that his office prepares and sends fabricated reports, receipts, and price that have no bearing on reality. We have a sample of the fabricated contracts and invoices. We urge you to compare them with what you have received. If it bears the same emblem then it is inevitably forged

Third: Medical devices that were purchased and supposedly new devices were actually used devices and there are witnesses to this occurrence

Save Children Organization supports two projects inside Syria (Psychological Support Clinic for Children) in Tal Shehab and Maarba via Syrian for Relief and Development

Turkish Relief Organization supports the project for a central hospital in the southern area of Syria, in the province of Daraa, in East Ghariya

For the record, 90% of the medical supplies and devices that you provide for Syria for Relief and Development reach these three locations [Tal Shehab, Maarba, East Ghariya] and the rest of the areas do not receive any supplies and this is confirmed by reports from every field hospital. These supplies were considered to have been purchased so as to support the very field hospitals that have not received anything. With the knowledge that the supplies belonging to your organization Internation Rescue Commetee are all accompanied by a code and paperwork. Reports are sent to these organizations [Turkish Relief Organization, save children], attached displaying false prices

Confirmed by witnesses
There are a large number of ill and wounded patients who were mistreated and this is confirmed in official reports, video recording, in addition to the phone numbers of those involved. They are prepared to testify before any investigative committee

1-Wounded- Khalaf- 00962790852811
2-Wounded- Muhammad- 00962799610088
3-Office of Patient Affairs in Jordan- 00962795175244
4-Omar al-Turk- 00962796235213
5-Colonel Turki al-Rifai, Defected Officer and Commander of Southern Storm Brigade, who has an ill daughter-00962798737633
6-Dr. Adnan Abazid, his mother was expelled from the hospital- 00962790674010
7-Brigadier General KamelMajareesh, he his relative was rejected admission, he has a martyred brother and a detained brother-
8-A patient from Homs who was expelled from the hospital on 2/16/2014- 0096279947102
9-Secretary of Syrian Patients Association in Jordan, YassarOweir- 00962799610088
10- Ziyad al-Imam who paid the expenses for many patients who were rejected admission to the hospital- 00962787205034

Medical Team Witnesses
1-Dr. Youssef Barakat- 0796177268
2-Dr. AymanTayara- 00966507461809
3-Dr. Musa Akleh, Director of Akleh Hospital, Jordanian citizen- 4642441-4642442
4-Brigadier Ibrahim Jabawi, investigative journalist- 0795242981

Several patients were billed and forced to pay treatment expenses to the hospital despite the fact that the hospital is already completely funded by Islamic Relief Worldwide and this is attached to the report

There has also been mistreatment with those inside Syria that is confirmed by all the field hospitals inside Syria

There is a confirmed investigative report that includes a number of cases in which Syrian refugees and patients were mistreated and it is attached to this letter

There is also a complain on behalf of the Patients Association Office due to the number of cases, issues of temperament, and accusations of embezzlement

We request that you confront this liability and take caution in dealing with such personalities, for we suspect that you are misinformed and the manner in which you are informed is wrong and is motivated by personal aims and purposes

مواضيع ذات صلة :
1- من صحيفة مصدر إلى الطبيب نصر الحريري .. د. عوض السليمان (اضغط هنا)
2- مفاجأة مدوية حول التقرير الطبي لمقتل الطفل "حمزة الخطيب" ربيع العام 2011 (اضغط هنا)
3- الشهداء أرقاماََ والجرحى فيتاميناََ تتغذى عليهم ادارة المنظمات ومخلفاتهم بعد رفع الإحصائيات لمركز المعلوماتية لدى الغرب . (ضغط هنا)
4- بالفيديو - طرد وفد الإئتلاف شمال سوريا ومنعه من الدخول الى اعزاز والمخيمات . (اضغط هنا)
5- رواتب في مهب الريح لكوادر منظمة Syria Relief & Development في الجنوب السوري عام 2013 لثلاثة أشهر . (اضغط هنا)
6- سندات قبض واحدهم مكافأة للتغاضي عن المبالغ من قبل ادارة Syria Relief & Development بحماية أمين الإئتلاف . (اضغط هنا)
7- Respected Members of the World Relief Organization, ISLAMIC RELIEF (اضغط هنا)
8- تحقيق مفصل عن القسم السوري من مشفى عاقلة في المملكة الأردنية عن ادارة Syria Relief & Development(اضغط هنا)
9- Respected Members of the World Relief Organization, Refugees International (اضغط هنا)
10- Respected Director and Members of Save the Children Organization (اضغط هنا)

كل الشكر لكم زملائي الأحرار

Skype : mohammad.baraa14

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