Mansour: Metzamo Aleppo Revolution and other unarmed civilians left their fate and moved to Turkey with the revolution funds
Mansour: Dollar rallies on our revolution to Mafueh each congregation fights the other
Mansour: opposition formations in the body associated with Bazillion to set up a military or political formations
Ahmed Al Arabi-Istanbul
Before dignity revolution in Syria … this country was our home Al Thai..ultra that if we passed a month without his visit specifically to the cities of Damascus and Aleppo, we lose the sense of smell and taste together !!!
We can not stand with any country or entity or organization that allows imperialist tanks leave lines on the soil towards Damascus ….
The Arab Spring began and dignity revolution and there were shifts in attitudes related to considerations of “the sanctity of the Syrian blood” ..Ultram right of peoples to “clean bread and pillow clean” ..van coup Hui Sham and Sham Jasmine in favor of …… “people want”
We live in a bloody struggle and bleeding continues between the stand with a regime that claims ostensibly rejected the Zionist entity has not built the tent of the Palestinian people over the years of the Nanak and the set back and the people want to get the rights grabbed air intelligence and organs of sectarian repression … was that we cried with the people of Syria … The people want to topple the system!!
After seven years of the revolution was the harvest “very bad” .. do not apologize for this characterization because of the obscenity of what is happening … The Revolution Betrayed fell into a hole ..vol fall has to do with the quality of the human product under more than 40 rule of the Syrian regime because of a sectarian an international conspiracy as they say because of AL-Assad security system power .. ??
Where jumped all these frogs that betrayed the Syrian blood ?? who sold and bought ???
In this meeting, we host a young man the task of the state … which is one of the few scarcity that I paid attention to the issue of “revolutionary monitoring and documentation” in the march of the Syrian revolution … where he held the newspaper “Voice of the Arabs” This meeting in Istanbul to highlight the great effort is doing with his comrades in the Syrian interior It is one of the most important revolutionary work in the context of criticism and self-criticism understanding of the practice for years to expose “counter-revolution” that has poisoned the blood and dreams of the Syrian people …
Activist Mohammed Mansour from the innocence of the city of Aleppo tells us about the “difficult path … ..”
Arabs voice: history is documented sense of living memory of peoples is foundation stones corner to write history many people going through two phases in case Syrian commas people before and after revolution dignity.
This role is now in the context of the compilation and dissemination of documents shed light on the path of the Syrian revolution and counter-revolution (the phenomenon of frogs) from where the idea started and how?
Mansour: I joined the revolution beginning eruption because first goal was bring down criminal dictatorial regime and personally to know it gained through mandatory my service between years (2003 – 2005) within Defense Minister ceremony and I indulged among many hierarchical heads of stronghold Assad regime in Damascus Va Talaat many Khwaya, like this case should not be led slice of teenagers because he will pay recklessness Syrian people defenseless from all segments, did not join the revolution Aleppo in 2011 because I was Moukna that it will not engage in revolution for several reasons:
- Five security control devices completely bound them to the popular committees of local clans.
- The direct threat from some of the villages during their demonstrations to the people of Aleppo “stolen – destroyed – infringing on their women … and to return to their villages” and threatened to retaliate a large section of traders Ahal beyen because they have money and influence of the owners.
- The people of Aleppo paid a heavy price in the eighties with their sister “Hama” as a result of the Muslim Brotherhood deceive embroiling even several young young event field executions, including “incident Easterners.”
- In 2011, I was one of the observers of the events of Aleppo from the inside, and I saw a lot of deception in addition to the threat to the security apparatus of Aleppo, as if lifted her head will destroy it through some security figures.
Mansour: Dollar rallies on our revolution to Mafueh each congregation fights the other
I joined the revolution of Homs Connie personal knowledge of the friends we serve together and kept moving between Aleppo and Homs that I was arrested on 24/1/2012 from my office in Aleppo by informants belonging to the Air Force Intelligence, and after I got out of prison 30/9/2012 I had to leave Syria after several days for several reasons, the most important of the issuance of the liquidation of the Syrian intelligence is in addition to the scale of destruction that I saw in the city of Aleppo, internal strife and differences on the munitions between those who claimed that they will liberate the city of Aleppo, Fattabat My media humble from Turkey the fact that everyone it comes from the inside that was to get support or social recognition or even conferences and Y contract For the first file into the hands of big corruption and embezzlement of one of the medical organizations within the Syrian arena to be seen later that corruption under the auspices of the Syrian opposition itself, and this is opposed to the goal of the revolution which we have for him …. It began here in gradually.
Arabs voice: Wein”Voice Arabs” We were with Syrian people revolution since its inception and we criticize in context our communication with some revolutionary leaders issue lack documentation and monitoring mistakes … and were surprised your exercise big this task through the means social communication and through your blog Arial..plan after fall Aleppo … Why after this event specifically?
Mansour: not quite contrary file corruption put forward and documentation began by end of 2013 and beginning of 2014, specifically when warm me through agreement on old extraditionHoms from within opposition meetings that he will follow Aleppo and other provinces, but because revolution was at its height and many ofblocs they thought themselves victorious just connect them with third parties and booty obtain millions of dollars under the support and relief, their ears were deaf and blind their eyes “was not one wants to cut off his green river dollar $.?! “
Mansour: Metzamo Aleppo Revolution and other unarmed civilians left their fate and moved to Turkey with the revolution funds
Within the electronic archive prove that I was closer and publish years ago and not when they handed over the city of Aleppo to the Assad regime, but the delivery of the city of Aleppo was like a big slap in the face of the internal community of the revolution because it would take a break larger “river green !!” was pumped to them, so what Setsolon go after Aleppo ?! Knowing I told everyone that the city of Aleppo is going to delivery since the sixth month in 2014 and published your conversations that took place then, on the track and after the tragedy realized inside that I speak the truth and reality, even if the time does not use anesthesia policy under the pretext of raising the morale as did Nomzamo Aleppo revolution and others they left unarmed civilians to their fate, and they moved to Turkey with the revolution of funds after the transfer during the siege of Aleppo, began here eyes on considering the information and documents that publish new appearance with the knowledge that it was published years ago and Maroon just repeat the previous deployment different than before Besaga.
Arabs voice: of most important reasons success popular revolutions issue revolutionary monitoring and exposing those erroneous practices are Mahsoon ranks popular revolution .. Do individual task or supported field staff will monitor and document these abuses?
Mansour: Unfortunately monitoring Morse during events revolution was summarized Mafueh gatherings, each congregation fights other assembly St Solna Is reasonable?!
The answer is yes because they were dealing with foreign agencies to meet dollar amounts until things reached that photos of the massacres or victims, according to its accuracy sold cycle, fronts such as local farms each farm tracking hand and the commander and his gang and those who want to document what happened could not because it is under the control of hand, not follow them.
Unfortunately, their policy was based on the warning of those involved in the event of exposing one of them is not up to the media ..
In 2014 mobilized memory stick size of 4 GB and handed over to the one involved in the revolution before returning to the city of Aleppo, including USB stick large files, including electronic correspondence opposition body link to reveal the Zionist entity that the arms deals or coordination for the establishment of military formations or political, unfortunately after several months almost when asked Have you been working on it?! He received the answer that has been lost !! She asked: how Assad will fall and the Pied Piper revolution Aasmanon on the memory stick finger size?!
Another event: when was agreed on old delivery Homs news delivery Aleppo after the Ousel, wrote several people including Doctor of resident law in Gaziantep and Sheikh from Damascus resident in Gaziantep and legitimate moving between Turkey and Aleppo, and all them engaged in sensitive sites in revolution Vgfoa this news and asked evidence , after simple months annexed the portion of evidence and they were telling me”We will consider matter” and after few weeks not seen any movie and when communicate with them and inquiry had comemeanswer”Mo Clerk – these activists should not ashamed – we know reconciliation and we are familiar them and agree in Sri wewaitingthem to announce completeness !? “P I asked them to any item or fatwa Astndtm? I was told “fatwa bloodshed” !!
For this work certainly is not individually, but take a selfish man ungrateful to the efforts of my colleagues at home, collective work since its inception and was lacking who dares to appear on the media Venit subject after my knowledge of the prior resident where the laws of the state, we were a large group and are communicating individually to guarantee the integrity of the black box , black box is a friend of mine we have been together since the beginning and we still launched this name because it is still at home and at the head of his work and that the person who does not change his position on any file poses, and the rest of my colleagues, some of them are continuing our engagement officially still because of their circumstances and their situation and of them separated because lobe For who followed him were exposed, and there is a special policy I deal in the deal to guarantee the safety of all sources, the fact that the body is suffering from the Syrian treachery disease.
Fifth question : task such as those carried out on very serious Ht..hl received ..ohl threats provided to protect your database to save them next date?
Mansour: dangerous if you randomly man trust including the bear and mixing slides without prior knowledge their background and their past and this most important reasons why body revolution fragile was His simplest ways and means, but was careful not indifferent material interests and personal relations endanger will be more visible fontyou making easier avoid and there no difficulty in that this one reasons that made me reassuring other reasons reservations mentioned order to become uncovered twice points and their basic rule “caution and even duty of people closest you” and your understanding adequacy.
This was not alone in adopting put the files in my personal capacity even read the laws of the state resident where full because most of the sources at home can not be mentioned at any time unless the same source decided to reveal his identity, and at the beginning of dealing with the sources promised them safe that are not taken to reveal their identity by me any circumstances unless they decided.
As for threats:
Opposition shabiha too cowardly shabiha Assad so I did not care for them has not influenced them, but the danger has become more threatened after exposing the media and even within the institutional security corps in Turkey with the flag and I received a lot of threats and published a part of it and still retains another department within the archive.
For the protection of my database .. Yes, it is well protected and one of the examples they removed me a lot of social pages, however Manscher previously reprinted later full attachments in addition to provide more than two copies of each dispensers file regularly in a special area of my no one knows the others, however the original files held within memories independently to protect them from electronic infringements.
Arabs voice: After seven years of revolution was harvest “very bad” .. do not apologize for this characterization because obscenity what happening …Revolution Betrayed fell in fall HRH..vol has quality human product under more than 40 year rule Syria sectarian system. .am because international conspiracy as they say because alAsadi security system power .. ??
Where jumped all these frogs that betrayed the Syrian blood ?? who sold and bought ???
Mansour: During rule Assad regime been obliterated Syria Cultural history military force because fabric Syrian society passionate been manipulated and penetrated even inside, began unload Syrian values stage step by step until I remember one meetings that took place the teenager when he asked me man of Banias during his visit to city Aleppo”when we visit Aleppo previously we call city garbage bags (meant women wearing full veil) but strangely now began turn to exhibit fashion like other areas .. are migrated people Aleppo?!” I said him”from Feb something young manit … and wearing veil in order habit and not for Walt Or sack him at any turn road “
As for the plot, the case of Yes, it is a conspiracy, but not who talked about the Assad regime, but a conspiracy against the Arab society in general and the Syrian society in particular, and put forward several files speak since when plans to get in Syria, specifically the Levant in general and the Arab world in particular.
As for the Syrian regime, it is not militarily strong at all but its security and seasoned political veteran and this Madhira than the former revolutionary middle, but unfortunately their responses were from Girdle and down until they paid the price Hah their environment and the displacement of the Syrians in their hand.
The frogs are present since the beginning of the revolution and are not new to each frog audience defend him fiercely more than defend thugs Assad authority, it was weak among them will not be able to withstand the detection of those frogs, and was independent of their non-impervious and Apmjtmathm unmasking them and Aarehm because they are people with temporary validity Sazulun until the arrival date of the end of their materials Keeper.
As for who sold and bought ….
Vastness of hypocrisy that the surface has become clearer rash of sunlight within the cosmic galaxies, the earth was needed to protect the owners of the decision and unfortunately Leaderboard scene are not only followers in exchange for money serve their interests at home on behalf of their revolution.
Valahm !!!
Of buying and selling the effects of the country you had qualified to protect a bird in a bird ??? sky
Arabs voice: Do you regret your opposition to alAsadi system … Do think that Syrian revolution over and saying”We were Aachen …”become a reality for it inevitable for Syrian people “?
Mansour: I have never supporter of Assad regime even regret his opposition, but Atantsr revolution teenagersusedpresencerevolution for their personal interests through external engagements which around square of revolution people agenda to implement Western schemes that are interventionist itself.
The revolution when it becomes a goal of just the words to beautify the faces ugly is certainly not a revolution but a ladder ascended upon These receivables, and the revolution that not respect entity societies and Feather on society in general and the history of the country’s rights, especially it is not a revolution, but rather an argument made to Assad’s help in draining the Syrian people and unload Syria of them, revolution to make my own on lies, hypocrisy and collusion with customers legislation policy.
For the mother of the phrase “we Aachen” Syrian society is not obliged to pay for the mistakes of adolescents, they did not respect them to Aihtermunh even if they claim sacrificed itself any slang words, “God breaks their hands above their labor” ….
When documented by a large segment of the Syrians in the revolution was aimed at toppling the system and to maintain the country but the fact shows that those who merely bandits and their revolution personal interests and material gains and the biggest example, when handed over Syrian cities Batadha and its warehouses and fled Pied Piper revolution outside Syria, bringing with them relief money to live, including unarmed civilians, leaving their fate after being deported to the tents of the human and commercial market.
Arabs voice: History activist Mohammed Mansour patent …
Mansour: Mohammed Bara Mansor men the city of Aleppo and this birth was where, sojourned with my parents 13 years in Saudi Arabia, and returned with them to Syria later and I followed them, I worked for five years in the field of jewelry and sold manufacturing, I traveled to the UAE under the pretext of practical development and disposal of compulsory service, but did not have any luck with one of my sons, who Astana exemption from military service against the harsh conditions, Vcdi Lt army service then promised, two years served in Damascus within the defense minister ceremony in the old building of staff at the Umayyad Square, after the demobilization promised Alyha Lb and moved to the profession of foreign and Eastern perfumes manufacturing until the sale of foreign brands , after Five years moved to work as a delegate to the company Clothing between the three countries “Jordan – Lebanon – Syrian provinces,” that brought the revolution, then I joined her chosen people trust them in order to guarantee not to damage my family that I was arrested 01/24/2012 by the Air Force Intelligence in Aleppo after 117 days, he was transferred to the air Force intelligence in Damascus by order of Major General Jamil Hassan
Arab Voice: A final word ….
Mansour: I extend my special thanks to black box inside Syria Which provide me documents to expose corrupt and all friends who work as a team working group and I assume publishing process and expose corruption that plunder dreams Syrian people.
aching easier avoid and there no difficulty in that this one reasons that made me reassuring other reasons reservations mentioned order to become uncovered twice points and their basic rule “caution and even duty of people closest you” and your understanding adequacy.
This was not alone in adopting put the files in my personal capacity even read the laws of the state resident where full because most of the sources at home can not be mentioned at any time unless the same source decided to reveal his identity, and at the beginning of dealing with the sources promised them safe that are not taken to reveal their identity by me any circumstances unless they decided.